On 18 November all the Western Cape Brown and Black belts had the opportunity to train with our SA JKA Chief instructor, Sensei Johan la Grange. These trainings happen once a year in each province and is a wonderful opportunity to learn from one of the top instructors on the planet. This is especially an important training for anyone who wishes to grade for their 1st of 2nd DAN (black belt) on the day, as it serves as an opportunity to sharpen their focus right before the very important grading and get some last minute “tips”. Sensei Johan also offered very important advice as to what to pay attention to in your gradings and everyday training in order to grow into a better karate-ka. The karate-ka from the Winelands JKA dojo in Durbanville will certainly be taking all Sensei’s advice on board and apply it in the dojo.
Arigato gozaimasu Sensei Johan, we look forward to seeing you again soon!
PS: if you are in the Durbanville area or the Northern Suburbs of Cape Town and you would like to learn more about JKA Karate, feel free to phone Sensei Heinrich Venter on 071 877 2232 or just pop in for a free class on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 17h30 – 18h30 at the Durbanville Presbyterian Church Hall.