Author: admin

  • The Transformative Power of Consistent Effort in Karate Practice

    The Transformative Power of Consistent Effort in Karate Practice

    Oss everyone! Embarking on the path of karate is not just a physical endeavor; it’s a profound journey of self-discovery, resilience, and growth. At the heart of this journey lies the essence of consistent effort—a steadfast commitment to daily practice that paves the way for long-term advantages both on and off the dojo floor. Karate,…

  • Winelands JKA karate-ka excels at SA Championships

    Winelands JKA karate-ka excels at SA Championships

    Oss everyone! The Winelands JKA team once again made the trek up to Johannesburg for the annual SA JKA Karate Championships as members of the Western Province team. This year’s event was especially important, given that the Gichin Funakoshi Cup will also be held in Japan later this year. Even though only black belts will…

  • 2024 – a BIG year for SA JKA karate!

    2024 – a BIG year for SA JKA karate!

    Oss Everyone! With this year already in full swing, we are excited to have a full calendar of karate events that we are training for and can also look forward to. We will kick of with the Western Province JKA Championships held in Cape Town on the 9th of March. Winelands JKA will be well…

  • Western Cape Provincial Training & Grading with Chief Instructor, Sensei Johan La Grange

    Western Cape Provincial Training & Grading with Chief Instructor, Sensei Johan La Grange

    On 18 November all the Western Cape Brown and Black belts had the opportunity to train with our SA JKA Chief instructor, Sensei Johan la Grange. These trainings happen once a year in each province and is a wonderful opportunity to learn from one of the top instructors on the planet. This is especially an…

  • The 5th Maxim – Self-control

    The 5th Maxim – Self-control

    Oss everybody! As we head into the final weeks of the year most of us are already making plans for family vacations, Black Friday shopping lists, and year-end office parties. It is also the time of year when our daily energy levels seem to dwindle down after a long and often stressful year. It is…



    The 15th & 16th of September saw the inaugural Indo Pacific Cup held in Mauritius. The competition was arranged as a collaboration between several countries who missed out on competitions during the Covid-19 pandemic and included Germany, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Russia, Australia, Reunion, Madagascar, Kuwait, South Africa, and naturally Mauritius. South Africa sent a team…

  • SA JKA National Championships & Africa Open 2023

    SA JKA National Championships & Africa Open 2023

    On the 28th and 29th of July the Winelands JKA team made their way to Johannesburg with the rest of the Western Cape team for the annual SA JKA Championships. This year the National Championships were held in conjunction with the Africa Open Championships. Other African countries represented at the occasion included Botswana, Democratic Republic…

  • Winelands JKA has always endeavored to pursue a holistic approach to karate training.

    Winelands JKA has always endeavored to pursue a holistic approach to karate training.

    Good day everyone! Winelands JKA has always endeavored to pursue a holistic approach to karate training and overall physical well-being. Recently our dojo had a visit from well-respected biokineticist, Willem Pieters. Willem spent a week with our karate family, teaching us new ways in which to warm up and train our muscles and joints in…

  • Western Cape Gasshuku 2023

    Western Cape Gasshuku 2023

    Oss everyone!This past weekend we had the privilege of attending the Western Cape Gasshuku at the Okkie Jooste facility in Stellenbosch. What a weekend it was! The Gasshuku made a comeback after it did not happen for many years (feel free to blame Covid), and it was a great experience for young and old. “Gasshuku”…

  • Repetition in Training

    Repetition in Training

    Repetition of a specific exercise or technique can sometimes become quite mundane. However, it is only through repetition that we can ultimately master anything. Some have said that one needs to practice something for 10 000 hours in order to master it. This is equal to 11.4 years, without any sleep or rest, which could…